"If what you want, or what you need, is promises in the dark", he said, "I'm not your guy."
"No", she smiled, "not promises. Just something solid I can get a grip on that won't dissolve as soon as I touch it."
Pulling her to him he murmured into her hair, "Is this solid enough?"
This is related to last week's 55, even if the relation is perhaps a bit oblique.
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Rawr! Romance novel anyone? hehehe - great 55!
wowee! i was thinking what kaknu said lol great 55 :) mine is up, too.
*giggles at Kaknu* You said "rawr"! Did I teach you that, oh wife o' mine?
Indeed, this is a hot 55. Très chaud, as g-man would say.
Hot? Really?? Or are you guys teasing me for my romance-novelesque tendencies... (oh go ahead... I can take it.)
And I knew I'd heard that "Rawr" somewhere before!
hahaha You caught me! That Rawr was a smarmoofus-ism.
*sigh* I love a good romantic story!
Great job!
I like the pun on the word Solid. Solid as stable, concrete, real...
Then again, I like the imagery, which gives a passionate content to the form.
Its so Mojo a 55ve :D
( I had no idea about what Mojo meant until a Mr. Knowitall told me...)
@Signgurl: Glad you enjoyed it. tune in next week when we hear "her" say...
@Mona: Actually there are several definitions of the word Mojo, but I guess several (maybe all) of them might apply here.
Love it.
Have a great weekend
hmmm~~~~are you trying to `tell us something here???~~have a good one
Very nicely done Mojo...
Such a romantic!!!
Almost a lost art...
Thanks for playing, and have a Great Week-End!!...G
Me OW!
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