This same thing happened in 2002 and 2003, though not to the extreme of the current pattern. The summer and fall of 2002 was -- at that time -- the worst drought of the last 100 years and was followed in 2003 with one of the wettest summers on record that did not involve a tropical weather event (hurricane or tropical storm).
So with all of the moisture, what can we count on? Fungi, that's what. All shapes, sizes, and colors of fungoid creations. Some of which make very interesting photographs -- especially viewed up close.

"On The Ledge"
Raleigh, NC - July 2008
This is growing on the stump of what used to be a gi-normous oak tree in my back yard. It wasn't there a couple of weeks ago, but it's taken over the area now.

"I Don't Know Why"
Raleigh, NC - July 2008
This colorful specimen is one of those things I just found interesting and I'm not sure why.

"Talking Heads"
Raleigh, NC - July 2008
If you want to make something of this one, I suppose that's up to you. But it reminded me of the sleeve for the Talking Heads' single "Psycho Killer" c. 1980. And that's all I'm sayin'.

"The Twins"
Raleigh, NC - July 2008
Now this one ... well, when I happened upon them my first words were "Why, hello Mary Kate! Hello Ashley!" (After all, a guy can have only so much restraint ya know.)
Next time, I'll try "Latex and Lace" or "Latex: The New Leather"
After almost 18 hours, Google has only sent me one visitor who's both hungry and horny. My spaghettio's and phone sex post got one hit that brought somebody here. Interesting how it happened though. Tampa FL found me using a search on "healthy spaghetti o's". Two things disturb me about this. First is the whole concept of "healthy spaghettio's". And second, how bad is your ADHD if you went looking for "healthy spaghettio's" and were diverted by a discussion of spaghettio's and phone sex?
The Age of Rock & Roll
I know that I am growing older and will one day be old. I grudingly accept that the songs that were popular when I was in high school are not being played on "oldies" stations and in elevators across the globe.
But the latest Foreigner tour being sponsored by AARP??. I did not see that one coming.
Some of you will think I'm kidding, so check it out for yourself. This came in the periodic newsletter I get from House of Blues.
Thu, Jul 31 AARP Presents: Foreigner HOB Myrtle Beach 7:00pm
I'm telling you I couldn't make up anything this good.
Criminal Stupidity
The latest lottery/inheritance scam to hit the shelves in stores is kind of amusing. Apparently people weren't quite stupid enough to believe that a bank in Nigeria was holding millions of dollars in their names, so the newest crew to try this angle decided to dumb it down a bit. Their schtick is to pose as the FBI (Honolulu Field Office no less!). I'd guess this choice of disguises is designed to give some credence to their stern (but vague) warnings about dealing directly with people claiming to be agents of the paying bank. Or something. The threat... er...warning might have more impact if you could actually understand what they're saying.
The email came with the subject line: Federal Bureau of Investigation and a return email address of What's so hilarious about this is that if you actually go to the site is in Russian (or some language that uses Cyrillic characters anyway). I guess the Red Scare really is finally over. I'm also pretty sure the FBI has proofreaders for official correspondence. Which I'm sure they'd use if they actually sent out official correspondence about me winning a lottery that I never bought a ticket for. In a way I kinda feel sorry for the people who try to make a living this way. Something tells me they won't do well in prison.
The letter goes like this:
We the Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI Honolulu) United States Of America have discovered through our intelligent monitoring network that you have a transaction going on as either inheritance payment,Lottery or contract payment of $1.5 Millions of United States Dollars which have been approved but have not been settled.
This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract / inheritance file ater close monitoring and found out why you have not received your payment,both on your part and on the part of your debtors.
Secondly we have been informed that you are still dealing with the non officials in the bank who are attempting to secure the release of your fund to you. We wish to advise you that this is illegal and you should stop further communication with them forthwith because such an illegal act like this can lead to cancellation of your fund.
We have been having so many complains from people who have been scammed arround the world hence,after concluding in a meeting with members of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), we came to a conclusion that every payment will be made through the Oceanic Bank in the Republic Of Benin . We also concluded on the use of ELECTRONIC ATM PAYMENT SYSTEM as the only direct means to pay all beneficiaries.
By this method,your funds will be loaded in two batches into an ATM card, and sent to you, from this card you can withdraw a maximum of us$15,000 per day from any ATM machine worldwide,BUT from the financial houses there is no limit.
So if you would like to receive your funds in this way please send your following information to the paying bank.
1. Full name...........................
2. Full address.............................
3.Your balance payment............................
4. Your age, sex and current occupation- ..............
5. Your Country..............................................
6.Your Phone Number....................................
Below are the contact details of the PAYING BANK(Oceanic Bank) in the Republic Of Benin to whom you will send your information for the processing of the ATM card as soon as possible:
The DEBT SETTLEMENT COMMISSION has been mandated to issue out your payments for this fiscal year 2008. Also for your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) who claim that to be established agents using it to defraud innocent people worldwide. This is to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment.
Faithfully Yours,
PT Barnum was right.
Stumble This!
The shots of those mushrooms are fantastic! Tho' very picky about when I eat 'shrooms, they do make fascinating subjects for pics. Very nice!
Thanks Barb. We get all kinds of interesting vegetation popping up around here.
I love 'shrooms, but I'm not sure these are ones you'd want to eat. We actually have several varieties around here that are poisonous (and not in a good way if you take my meaning). Since I'm not expert enough to know the difference, I usually stick to the ones in the produce department.
mojo, the mushrooms are a hit. my dad, a man with a nose for finding morels (sp.?), would have tried to eat them after taking a picture.
glad you located Georgian Bay. Forty Hills Rd. will be harder, and though my story re the tractor ride sounds more dangerous every time I tell it, the adventure was life-threatening on more than one occasion - I was just too young to get over-wrought at the time. now I can!
see you on your 61st birthday!
Gord H.
@Gord: It's amazing how much stuff we get away with in our youth that in retrospect scares the hell out of us.
a mushroom walks into a bar, sits down, orders a drink and starts hitting on the pretty girl at the end of the bar.
She turns him down repeatedly, and eventually storms off.
The mushroom looks up at the bartender and says "sheesh, what's her problem? I'm a FUN-GI!"
I don't think your reader had to have ADHD to go looking for spaghetti-os and wind up reading your post - I would HAVE to no as well. Even if I was reading through my hands.
hooray! monday's over!
make that KNOW.. crikey.
don't tell my mom. k?
@JC: Your secret's safe with me. (I don't even know your mom.) Now some of the other mischief-makers that hang out here might hold it over you, but not me. Not ever!
I guess the rains of July have more than 'made up' globally this time :)
I had no idea that mushrooms came in such interesting shapes which could tingle your imagination till a wild stretch :D
That's a pretty bad case of ADHD :D
Foreigner...I love the song sung by him " :I wanna know what love is "
You do needs brains to be a perfect criminal too! :D
@Mona: This time of year is typically our "monsoon" -- or what passes for it. More like Mumbai than Agra I suppose since it's likely to rain (and sometimes pour) at any moment with very little warning. And quit just as fast. I'd guess that a lot of folks here would have been happy to send you some of the rain we're getting this summer, but after last summer -- maybe not. Unfortunately Americans have very short memories where such things are concerned so by this time next year we'll be ready to ship the rain off to Rajasthan again -- forgetting what it's like not to have it.
Stay tuned, more fungal fotos are on the way.
Your colourful specimen is a vibrant photo! I'm not sure what appeals to you in it, but I'm thinking it might have something to do with the bright orange against the blue-violet background. Those colours complement, and that provides a pleasing contrast. Or I'm overanalyzing what's simply a lovely photograph. But it is lovely... that one's my favorite. Though the "talking heads" one is ... um... noteworthy, as well. *smile*
Do you really have that many varieties of fungi growing so close to you?
And, finally, I'm disappointed by the lack of search engine traffic to your 'Spaghetti-Os and Phone Sex' post. Deeply disappointed.
@Smoofus: Actually, I have more varieties than this (which you'll see shortly), but yes -- these were all taken in my back yard Saturday and Sunday. I was partial to the orange/yellow on blue/violet myself. And you may be onto something with the color temp contrast. It could be the same quality that made the torch photo in my last Thematic so appealing. Or not.
And if you think you were disappointed in the search result hits, try being the Google-whore that came up with that just for the attention! Such humiliation, and I didn't even get kissed!
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