Wednesday, October 20, 2010

indie ink, ya coulda told me!

From the Better Late Than Never Desk, it seems Indie Ink slipped a shot of mine into the queue and forgot to tell me about it. And with the buzz of activity that's been going on lately (my apologies to those I have not caught up with... I'm trying, I swear!) I missed it in my reader. Turns out that II published a photo of mine entitled "Sundown Provision" (which you might have seen in Summer Stock #30 here back in early September) almost a week ago. And I just now found out. But this is always exciting stuff, so I had to share.
The editors at II are always looking for new material from emerging writers, artists and the like. So if you have something you'd like to reach a wider audience, submit it to them. Or if you just enjoy fresh, new writing and art, by all means get over there and enjoy!

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ChickenStitch said...

Way to go Dude!!!

Anonymous said...

Pardon me while I smack one of the editors upside the head with an aspirin bottle. *c-r-a-c-k*

It's a beautiful shot... and a little warning that the goodness was being unleashed would not have been outta line.

Maude Lynn said...

Woo hoo! It's an outstanding shot, Mojo. Truly gorgeous.